

The Casbah and my first run in with the Algerian law. Off to explore the Casbah, a district in central Algiers, similar to a medina with a maze of paths and alleys. Wassim’s wife is going to show me around as I’ve mentioned I like architecture and fittingly she just happens to be one!


The first thing I noticed was the rubbish lying around but I couldn’t help wonder why there was so much bread sitting on the walls. A lot of bread is eaten here in Algeria and if they don’t get to finish it then it is preferred to find a place for it off the ground. It seems bizarre to not have the same policy for litter, more African logic!!



Walking through the Casbah, you see the benefit of a guide. It’s not as intense as Brazilian favelas but still easy to get lost. The town, inhabited since the 6th century B.C., played a key role in planning across Sub-Saharan Africa and the Mediterranean.

The Casbah and my first run in with the Algerian law


It is quite clear to me that Algerians eat a lot so after the Casbah we called in for some square pizza and lemonade which would be enough to fill anyone. After my third slice my guide said it was time for my starter! I can’t remember the name of the place but it served nothing but Algerian food, some of which I ordered and most of which I couldn’t eat. I had the Algerian brick which is a deep fat fried spring roll, something I wouldn’t be ordering again, however the Chakhtchoukha was great.


  • Algeria is the largest country in Africa. Sudan was previously the largest before it spilt in 2011.
  • The Sahara accounts for 80 per cent of Algeria.
  • In 1962 over a million Algerians were killed in the fight for independence from France.


After the a prolonged digestion I still had half a day to kill and decided to head to the Botanical Gardens for another bizarre experience! After seeing the gates were locked, a policeman approached and offered to walk with me, which was fine.

David Simpson in Casbah, Algeria. The Casbah and my first run in with the Algerian law
David Simpson walking in Casbah, Algeria. The Casbah and my first run in with the Algerian law

The Casbah and my first run in with the Algerian law


As you probably know I love nothing more than meet locals, however after an hour I thought best to move on. He had other plans and insisted I follow him to a room at the metro station. As soon as I entered the small room, I saw his colleague and thought, ‘this can’t be good.’ He had the door locked before I could do anything, game over!

The Casbah and my first run in with the Algerian law

“I need something from you,” he said.

I had no idea where this was going but knew I had to play along until I could talk myself out of this room. He took his gun out of its holster, placed it on his desk and then picked up his batten.

‘What is going on,’ I thought.

I was in two minds as he was pleasant when I was walking around the park with him but he was also a little different, so I wasn’t sure what to think.

“A photo,” he said, “I want a photo with my friend.”

🤦🏻‍♂️ Thank god for that. After a huge sigh of relief and a few photos I made my excuses to leave! Although this wouldn’t be my last run in with the police here in Algeria LINK

The Casbah and my first run in with the Algerian law


Heading to Constantine tomorrow so it was back to the hotel for a rest and then out to watch the football tonight, Algeria v Tanzania in the Semi Finals of the African Cup of Nations, their biggest games in years!

After more food at Arabesque, a Syrian restaurant I went to the ‘roundabout’ which is the only way to describe the area where everyone watches the football on the big screen. Algeria are currently playing in the Semi-finals and the place was going wild, wherever you could get a spot to watch it you took it.

David Simpson and policeman at Botanical garden El-Hamma Jardin d'Essai in Algiers, Algeria. The Casbah and my first run in with the Algerian law
Botanical garden El-Hamma Jardin d'Essai in Algiers, Algeria. The Casbah and my first run in with the Algerian law
David Simpson and policeman in Algiers, Algeria. The Casbah and my first run in with the Algerian law


The match ended up 3-0 and I haven’t seen a party like it. Police might be strict on photos, but letting off fireworks while driving around the roundabout is fine. More African logic!

Something worth saying is how helpful some of the locals were. A quick example was an old lady who was begging making her way through the crowd during the football. I lost count at the amount of people who gave her money. It was never a lot of money but you could see every was happy to help considering they were watching one of the most important games in Algerias history.


I was meant to go the Constantine tomorrow but instead had the biggest run in with the law to date! Click to read.


This post is part of The Algeria Series, click to explore or for episode 1 click here.
To watch the video of my trip, head to my highlights on my Instagram.

Question Time

  • Have you been to Algeria, did you explore the Casbah?
  • What was your experience like?
  • Did you try their food?

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