Miles of banana farms meet miles of azure sea
Hello, and welcome to Belize. This is a tropical paradise with surprising Carribean influences, and a history as an escaped-slave hideout and a pirate trading post. The economy of the small country has been badly affected by various storms and hurricanes over the years, but tourism is on the up and up. Resorts vary from budget to big bucks, and if you want to you can be walled off from the world on your own private beach. For the rest of us, though, there are the cayes, from upmarket Tobacco Caye to party-central Caye Caulker. If you want to see strangely tropical British mansions in Belize City, ride a ferry between picturesque islands and eat food that’s somewhere between Central American and Caribbean, and you’d like to do it all in a swimsuit, then VISIT BELIZE!